Εισαγωγή στη Σημειωτική

The course deals first with the explication of the formation and development over time of the concepts of semiology and semiotics as an interdisciplinary approach employed by the social sciences. The course lays particular stress on the semiotic approach to culture, through an elucidation of the concept of 'text', which, in the approach employed by Geertz, can be taken from written discourse and applied to all components of a culture. The course then deals with semiotics as a research method in the social sciences and elucidates the concepts of signifier, signified, polysemy and ambiguity, social signification and 'discourse' , as defined by Foucault. The course offers numerous examples of the application of semiotics for the analysis of 'discourse'/'texts' at various levels, such as the semiotics of narrative, the semiotics of space and the semiotics of images.

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Department of History and Ethnology

Panagi Tsaldari 1
Komotini, 69100

Τel: 25310-39462
Fax: 25310-39483

Email: secr@he.duth.gr


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