Pedagogy and Teaching Competence Programme

The Department of History & Ethnology has offered students a Pedagogy and Teaching Competence Programme since the academic year 2014-2015. Students may attend a total of eight courses included in the department’s curriculum, which correspond to three areas of expertise: (a) Pedagogy and Education, (b) Learning and Teaching Issues, and (c) Teaching Methodology and Training. Part of the training programme is carried out in secondary school classes of the Rhodope Region in collaboration with teachers of history, Greek language and literature. The programme has been accredited by the Democritus University and the Greek Ministry of Education and provides students with the certification required for employment as teachers in secondary education in Greece and abroad. The programme is optional and it is not a prerequisite for graduating.

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Contact us

Department of History and Ethnology

Panagi Tsaldari 1
Komotini, 69100

Τel: 25310-39462
Fax: 25310-39483



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