
The Department was founded in 1990 and commenced operation in the academic year 1991 – 1992.  It admits about 200 students annually.

The aims of the Department are:

  • to research both the history of all peoples from their origin to the present and the factors that affect them.
  • to study the typical ways in which humans form groups, in particular populations that do not possess writing.
  • to study how various peoples behave and manifest their intellectual, social and moral life and to study folk culture
  • to provide the graduates of the Department with the necessary theoretical and practical training for their scientific, academic and professional career and progress.  

Further information on the current structure of the degree granted by the Department can be found in the course catalogue.

The Department offers a single degree, with specialization in either history or ethnology.

The Department also offers a post-graduate degree and is a partner in an inter-institutional post-graduate degree together with the Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.  It also offers doctoral and post-doctoral studies.  

To promote the research work of the Department five Laboratories, two of which are concerned with history and with ethnology, the two objects of study of the Department, and one of which is concerned with ancillary research regarding cutting-edge technologies.

In the Department there is a library and study area.  The library possesses volumes of 177 Greek and 138 foreign periodicals, 17, 000 books and a collection of a thousand or more rare books.

External web services

Contact us

Department of History and Ethnology

Panagi Tsaldari 1
Komotini, 69100

Τel: 25310-39462
Fax: 25310-39483

Email: secr@he.duth.gr


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