
Ποσοτικές και ποιοτικές μέθοδοι έρευνας στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες

The aim of the course is to introduce students to quantitative and qualitative research methods in the social sciences. The course consists of the following parts:

Α. Introduction to the concept of academic research

Β. Quantitative research methods

Introduction to Quantitative analysis

Data collection methods

Populations and examples: Sampling methods

Data types. Data analysis.

Οι Ελληνοβουλγαρικές σχέσεις μετά την ίδρυση του βουλγαρικού κράτους

The course deals with Greek-Bulgarian relations during the period 1878 - 1912, that is, from the foundation of the autonomous Bulgarian Principality to the Balkan Wars. It examines the attempts on both sides at a rapprochement and the various points of agreement and disagreement, in the light of internal political developments in both states and the diplomatic role played by the European powers.

Ο Μωάμεθ και το Ισλάμ

The course deals with the life of Muhammad and his career as a religious, political and military leader (570-632). It examines the creation and the evolution of the first Islamic community, firstly in Mecca and later in Medina. Different aspects of pre-Islamic Arab society (religion, culture, economy, social stratification, racial organisation and others.) are analysed, as well as how they affected Islam and, in their turn, how they were affected by the new religion

Ο Ελληνιστικός Κόσμος

The course deals with the primary sources for the period and the basic chronology of the Hellenistic period (323 - 31 BC). It then examines the main political and cultural trends, including the sciences, philosophy and art.

Ο βυζαντινός πολιτισμός

The course introduces students to aspects and areas of the splendid civilization that Byzantium developed.  The course examines various matters, such as Byzantine society, daily life in city and countryside, state administration, philanthropy, education, the Church, monasticism and the refulgence cast by Byzantium over her neighbours.  It also offers an analysis of medieval Greek literature and intellectual culture.  It does not, however, deal with the various art forms that reached a peak in Byzantium (These matters are dealt with in detail in courses concerning Byzantine art).


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Contact us

Department of History and Ethnology

Panagi Tsaldari 1
Komotini, 69100

Τel: 25310-39462
Fax: 25310-39483

Email: secr@he.duth.gr


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