Ανθρωπολογία των φύλων

The course will reflect upon gender as an analytical category in social anthropology. Gender identities reveal gender asymmetries and as such can be used as a means to explore the position of men and women in any given social formation. The first lectures deal with women’s position in pre-modern and modern societies. Thus we will discuss women’s rights and the vote in western cultures, although we will also examine “exotic” and “remote” societies that present interesting examples of matrilineality and matrilocality. We will also analyse feminist studies and the feminist agenda, especially as it evolved after the 1960s and the politicization of the discipline. Thus several anthropological case studies from the post-war period reveal that women are no longer a muted group, neglected by anthropologists. The future of a feminist anthropology, biopolitics, trafficking, and prostitution are some of the topics examined that lead to the understanding of global implications of a gendered anthropology. 

Compulsory Elective Ethnology
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Academic year: 
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Department of History and Ethnology

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Komotini, 69100

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Email: secr@he.duth.gr


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