Η Ελληνική Αναγέννηση: Ο Πολιτισμός των ελληνικών εδαφών της ρωμαϊκής αυτοκρατορίας

Upon the imposition of the Pax Romana, the Greek world was to enjoy an extraordinary cultural renaissance from the middle of the 1st century AD to the mid 3rd century. This phenomenon was promoted chiefly by the upper classes of the Greek poleis, under the aegis of the Romans, who were enthusiastic admirers of Greek culture, and is associated with many well-known names, such as that of Lucian, Dio Chrysostom and Pausanias. These draw their materials from the glories of the Classical past, to produce a new Greek culture. The course examines, among other topics, relations between Greeks and Romans, the conception of the Greek past, and other societal topics, by means of Greek literature of the Roman period, the lively sporting life of the time, town planning and urban life and religion.
Upon completion of the course, students will understand in general terms the process by which a society makes use of a common past to create the present that political conditions demand and, in particular, will gain an understanding of an important part of Greek culture that is generally overlooked today.

Compulsory Elective History
Ancient Greek History
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Department of History and Ethnology

Panagi Tsaldari 1
Komotini, 69100

Τel: 25310-39462
Fax: 25310-39483

Email: secr@he.duth.gr


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