Πολιτική Ανθρωπολογία

The course introduces the student to the concept of 'policy', of 'power' and of 'domination' in anthropology. It also has the aim of investigating these concepts in traditional societies. The fundamental question at issue here lies in the varied representation of the 'other' and the relations and powers that are created from a web of economic, political, cultural and other mutual influences and dependencies. Particular ethnographic experiences, in connection with the socio-political facts of the time when they were written, will be used to study political organization, the question of relations of power and domination and social, political and economic correlations.
In parallel with its concentration on political anthropology, the course will discuss the limits of resistance and revolt, as expressed in pre-industrial systems. The course will then consider postmodern approaches and the politics of identities, in an attempt to make comprehensible the unequal relations that arise during the course of anthropological research and recording. It concludes with an analysis of the parameters of the concept of 'globalization' and an examination of tendencies in and prospects for contemporary political anthropology and politicized knowledge.

Compulsory Elective Ethnology
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Academic year: 
Το μάθημα δεν θα διδαχθεί. Το μάθημα θα μπορούν να το δηλώσουν μόνο όσοι φοιτητές το είχαν δηλώσει σε προηγούμενη δήλωση και θα μπορούν να το εξεταστούν στην εξεταστική , Ιουνίου και Σεπτεμβρίου 2025
Available in English: 

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Contact us

Department of History and Ethnology

Panagi Tsaldari 1
Komotini, 69100

Τel: 25310-39462
Fax: 25310-39483

Email: secr@he.duth.gr


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